Impact of Preeclampsia Incidence in Pregnancy on Intrauterine Fetal Growth

Hasliana Haslan, Ichsan Trisutrisno

  • Hasliana Haslan Institut Sains dan Kesehatan Bone
  • Ichsan Trisutrisno Institut Sains dan Kesehatan Bone
Keywords: pregnancy, eclampsia, pre-eclampsia, nutritional status


Introduction: The most common maternal death causes are bleeding, pregnancy hypertension (preeclampsia and eclampsia), and infections.

Objective: Analyze the impact of preeclampsia in pregnancy on the growth of the fetus in the womb.

Method: Observational analytical research with longitudinal panel study design. The population of pregnant women in samples taken by purposive sampling was 74 pregnant women.

Results: Chi-square test P-value of 0.000 or <0.05, preeclampsia and OR 0.017 (0.002-0.15), and regression analysis of preeclampsia status had an effect of 0.017. The determinant coefficient (Negelkerke R Square) shows that the probability value of pregnant women experiencing preeclampsia can cause the possibility of fetal growth to be inhibited by as much as 48%.

Conclusion: That preeclampsia dramatically affects the development of the intrauterine fetus. To improve the nutritional status of intrauterine mothers and fetuses, counselling can be done on pregnant women.


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Author Biographies

Hasliana Haslan, Institut Sains dan Kesehatan Bone


Ichsan Trisutrisno, Institut Sains dan Kesehatan Bone



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How to Cite
Haslan, H., & Trisutrisno, I. (2022). Impact of Preeclampsia Incidence in Pregnancy on Intrauterine Fetal Growth. Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada, 11(2), 445-454.

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