Stunting and Body Mass Index of 0-5 Years Old Children

Elpira Asmin; Sri Wahyuni Djoko; Josepina Mainase

  • Elpira Asmin Universitas Pattimura
  • Sri Wahyuni Djoko Universitas Pattimura
  • Josepina Mainase Universitas Pattimura
Keywords: Stunting, Body Mass Index, Toddler


Introduction: Indonesia is one of the countries in Asia with the percentage of short toddlers besides Myanmar and Vietnam. Although Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore have stunting cases, the stunting prevalence is less than 20 percent.

Objective: To determine the prevalence of stunting and malnutrition in the work area of the Rumah Tiga Health Center.

Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design with a total sample of 954 children under five. Result: the prevalence of stunting in children under five is 17.9 percent. The Body Mass Index of toddlers with a below-normal category is 4.82 percent.

Conclusion: Toddlers who experience stunting occur at the age of 1-3 years and are dominated by males. Toddlers who have a body mass index below normal are also at the age of 1-3 years and are male.


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Author Biographies

Elpira Asmin, Universitas Pattimura

Fakultas Kedokteran

Sri Wahyuni Djoko, Universitas Pattimura

Fakultas Kedokteran

Josepina Mainase, Universitas Pattimura

Fakultas Kedokteran


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How to Cite
Asmin, E., Djoko, S., & Mainase, J. (2022). Stunting and Body Mass Index of 0-5 Years Old Children. Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada, 11(1), 19-24.

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