Hecting Wound Difference Male White Rat Sprague Dawley with Wharton's Jelly and D Gel

Mustofa Mustofa, Evy Kurniawaty, Arif Yudho Prabowo, Novita Carolia

  • Mustofa Mustofa Universitas Lampung
  • Evy Kurniawaty Universitas Lampung
  • Arif Yudho Prabowo Universitas Lampung
  • Novita Carolia Universitas Lampung
Keywords: D gel, hecting wounds, wound healing, wharton's jelly


Introduction: Post-heating wounds are wounds that occur because of medical action, physiologically the body will experience a wound healing process. D gel is a gel containing cyclic siloxane and vitamin C that can be used for post-heating wound healing, but one of the other wound treatments that can currently be used is human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell extract (WJMSCs). Aim: knowing the difference in post-heating wound healing time between WJMSCs extract and D gel. Method: Using a laboratory experimental study using 21 male white rats (Rattus Copernicus) Sprague Dawley strain which was grouped into three different treatment groups. The treatments were divided into K group: negative control (povidone-iodine), P1: WJMSCs extract, and P2: D gel. Observations on post-heating wounds were carried out for 14 days using the Nagaoka criteria and the data were analyzed using categorical descriptive statistical tests and Kruskal-Wallis. Results: showed that there was a significant difference in post-heating wound healing time between WJMSC extract and D gel with p-value = 0.03, with wound healing time in group K: 12.7 days, group P1: 7 days, and group P2: 11 days. Conclusion: that there is a significant difference in post-heating wound healing between WJMSC extract and D gel


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Author Biographies

Mustofa Mustofa, Universitas Lampung

Fakultas Kedokteran

Evy Kurniawaty, Universitas Lampung

Bagian Biologi Molekuler, Fakultas Kedokteran

Arif Yudho Prabowo, Universitas Lampung

Bagian Anatomi, Fakultas Kedokteran

Novita Carolia, Universitas Lampung

Bagian Farmakologi, Fakultas Kedokteran


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How to Cite
Mustofa, M., Kurniawaty, E., Prabowo, A., & Carolia, N. (2021). Hecting Wound Difference Male White Rat Sprague Dawley with Wharton’s Jelly and D Gel. Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada, 10(2), 676-682. https://doi.org/10.35816/jiskh.v10i2.672

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