Application of Nursing Care Post Op Section Caesarea in Indications of Severe Preeclampsia

Darmi Arda, Hartaty Hartaty

  • Darmi Arda Politeknik Sandi Karsa
  • Hartaty Hartaty Politeknik Sandi Karsa
Keywords: Post-op Section Caesarea, Severe Preeclampsia, Pain


Introduction; Sectio Caesarea is a medical action needed to assist in childbirth that cannot be carried out normally due to maternal health problems or the condition of the fetus, which is a factor that causes severe preeclampsia. Aim; knowing the application of Post Op Sc nursing care in indications of severe preeclampsia. Methods: The method used in this research is descriptive, with a case study approach taken in the postpartum ward of a private hospital in Makassar City in June 2020. Data were obtained from the patient's mother, nurses, health team, progress notes, and health records. Results: showing pain is the main problem that arises in Post Op Section Caesarea patients. After nursing actions, pain can be resolved. Conclusion; that from pain management carried out with the patient's pain results can be overcome influenced by the provision of developed pain management


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Author Biographies

Darmi Arda, Politeknik Sandi Karsa


Hartaty Hartaty, Politeknik Sandi Karsa



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How to Cite
Arda, D., & Hartaty, H. (2021). Application of Nursing Care Post Op Section Caesarea in Indications of Severe Preeclampsia. Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada, 10(2), 447-451.

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