Efforts to Increase Cardiovascular Endurance through Play Approach in Physical Education Learning

Muslim Muslim, Aco Tang

  • Muslim Muslim Universitas Negeri Makassar
  • Aco Tang Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar
Keywords: Cardiovascular Power, Played, Physical Education Learning


Introduction; Physical education is a learning method created to improve the physical fitness of students. Objektif; knowing the physical education learning model by applying a play approach can increase students' cardiovascular endurance. Method; The research used is a sports class action research in which there is repeated reflection in the form of planning, action, observation, observation in stages. Data were collected by observation during the teaching and learning process. Qualitative data is first converted into quantitative data which is analyzed descriptively. Results; The average score of students' cardiovascular endurance before applying the learning model using the play approach method was 13.81 for boys and 18.01 for girls, then increased after the application of the learning model with the playful approach to 13.56 for boys and 17.84 for women in the first cycle and 13.08 for men, 17.67 for women in the second cycle. An increase in cardiovascular endurance. Conclusion; that physical education learning model by applying a play approach can increase students' cardiovascular endurance


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Author Biographies

Muslim Muslim, Universitas Negeri Makassar

Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga

Aco Tang, Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar

Departemen Fisioterapi


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How to Cite
Muslim, M., & Tang, A. (2021). Efforts to Increase Cardiovascular Endurance through Play Approach in Physical Education Learning. Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada, 10(1), 308-313. https://doi.org/10.35816/jiskh.v10i1.610

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