Pengaruh Pekerjaan Pendapatan Dan Pendidikan Orangtua Terhadap Penderita Pufa

Kevin Imanuel Tarigan, Molek, Mangatas Halomoan Parluhutan Hutagalung

  • Kevin Imanuel Tarigan Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Molek Molek Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Mangatas Halomoan Parluhutan Hutagalung Universitas Prima Indonesia
Keywords: Work, Income and education of parents, PUFA


Many dental health problems occur in school-age children is dental caries. If dental caries untreated it’s will be continued to dentin layers and pulp, that causing pulp involvement (P/p), ulceration (U/u), fistula (F/f) and abscess (A/a).The role of parents is needed to supporting the health of their children oral cavity. The role of parents to protect the health of children oral cavity can be affected by work, income and education of parents. Research Objectives: to observe the effect of work, income and education of parents on patient with PUFA/pufa at SD Negeri 065012 Medan Tuntungan District, Medan city. Type of this research is analytic cross sectional. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling. PUFA/pufa assessment based on index PUFA/pufa. Data analysis Bivariate with the Chi-Square Test analysis technique. Results the research shows respondent’s the effect of the parents work is obtained value p=0,000, respondent's the effect of parent's income is obtained value p=0,000 and respondent's the effect of the parental education is obtained p=0,000. Conclusion: there is an effect of work, income, and education of parents on patient with PUFA/pufa it  shows significant value of p=0,000 (p <0.05).


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Author Biographies

Kevin Imanuel Tarigan, Universitas Prima Indonesia

Pendidikan Dokter Gigi, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi

Molek Molek, Universitas Prima Indonesia

Ilmu Kesehatan Gigi Masyarakat, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi

Mangatas Halomoan Parluhutan Hutagalung, Universitas Prima Indonesia

Ilmu Kesehatan Gigi Masyarakat, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi


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How to Cite
Tarigan, K., Molek, M., & Parluhutan Hutagalung, M. (2020). Pengaruh Pekerjaan Pendapatan Dan Pendidikan Orangtua Terhadap Penderita Pufa. Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada, 9(1), 441-447.

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